The solution offers fast and straightforward proof of authorship for literary and artistic works, by means of a time-stamped record of the work in question posted to the blockchain. This essentially eliminates uncertainty in the event of a copyright dispute.
Under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, adopted back in 1883, copyrighted items (which today encompass articles, works of music and visual arts and computer programs, among others) do not have to be registered. Copyright is assumed to be automatic and to be established as soon as an item has been created. However, in practice, the authorship of a specific copyrighted work often has to be proven, especially when it comes to online content.
Existing means of registering copyright, such as repositories or notary certification, are either unreliable (since a repository organization could go out of business at any time) or expensive (especially if a large number of items needs to be registered).
This is a simple and fast way to prove authorship of a copyrighted item.